Peter's Spoiled Children

Many of you have asked about an update on Peter's surviving children, his cats - OJ, Weena, Sexy and Nixon. At the moment, they are enjoying their life in a sprawling ranch house with a sunroom in NJ with Peter's sister, Pam.

Weena in Peter's Kitchen

Not counting Peter's childhood cat, Venus, he was father to Grizzelda (Grizzy), Sexy, Sharpton, Weena, OJ, Tito and Nizon. Peter's cats were usually children of other family cats, or rescued kittens that he found on the street starving with no mother cat around. It's a family trait to love animals and care for them like children. Grizzy and Sharpton died several years ago and were taken care of by Pete's neice Marie and the vet she worked with, Dr. Montello (in Marine Park).

The day Peter died, ironically, his cat Tito died that morning. Peter loved all his children, but had a special connection to Tito. You can imagine our trauma when we found out that Tito died in the AM and Peter died in the PM. Weird connection ... I don't know.

The day following Peter's death, his sister, Cathy, myself, Marie and Nancy went to his apt to collect his cats. They were hiding on an upper top shelf in the livingroom closet. Since Marie was a vet tech, she had equipment to trap the cats. Because they were traumatized and hungry, it took Marie and Cathy 3 hours to  grab them and get them into safety -- with Marie covered in cat scratches -- a small price to pay. Peter's sister, Pam graciously adopted Peter's cats and we buried Tito's remains.

RIP Tito

Many of Peter's friends and ex-gfs asked to adopt Peter's cats, but since they are the only children Peter has, we wanted to keep them in our family. Between vet care, food, upkeep, and litter, they have become expensive kiddies, but it's a labor of love from his sister.