Don't Listen To Track # 3

The best part of being a family member or a gf of a musician, is from time to time you get mentioned on albums/cds or you get songs written to  you.  In my younger days, my musician bfs would write beautiful love songs about me (which I treasure). As Peter Steele's neice, I've been thanked from a stage, in artwork and on their cd.

But imagine Pete's father's reaction when he and Nettie were thanked for the Carnivore album:

I think we need to remind you that while Peter's dad was proud of him, he didn't understand the music. He came from a world (30s, 40s, 50s) where music illustrated the loves and your life. He didn't quite get "Jesus Hitler" or "Thermonuclear Warrior." So when Peter came in to show his parents his album (I was sitting in the kitchen) Peter Sr. looked at the cover, admired the drawing and turned it over to see his  special thank you. He smiled at Peter and opened the record to see the song list and asked, " Is this what I've been listening to for the last year."

Nettie, who favored anything her son did, was looking at the album, offering congrats, praise and hugs. Until Pete Sr. started reading off the song titles ... "Angry Neurotic Catholics," "Race War," "Predator," ... He wouldn't even utter "S.M.D." but he did look like he wanted to kill his son. I remember both of Peter's parents telling Pete he was going to go to jail for writing such filthy words and that people were going to think he was a bad person.

I know I was told to leave the room at some point, but Peter just smiled hugely. Told his parents that it was his creative expression and to not worry about anything. While he stormed out of the house, he threw me a copy of the album and said, " Here you go. You should probably listen to it when your mom isn't around. And don't listen to track #3.