Peter Steele Is Her Aria in Green

Fellow blogger and Peter Steele fan, Kay Irvin would like to share her poem with the family of ForTheLoveOfPeteSteele blog

Kay notes, "I always loved the Type-O-Negative version of

Summer Breeze

but I didn't know about the band. After Peter passed ... I read about them and discovered other songs that I really enjoyed. I found interviews and clips ... your brother was a very kind man. (it comes through).  I was shy to write ... but wanted to send you something I wrote (below) ... lyrics/poetry ... it's also a post on my blog. Thank you for your blog ... you and yours are incredibly generous to share private memories with everyone."

This photo is so spooky to me. Peter seems like he's made of wax here.

Aria In Green

Green light, green dreams come to rock me to sleep

Your memory comforts me, ease me deep

Such brightness can never really be gone

Haunting bass and baritone echoes on

Release what's inside, I know you were right

I can still hear your voice in the night

Sending .... "Laugh, cry, challenge reality."

Oh, the green man brings luminosity

Be an open book, I know you were right

I can still feel your presence in the night

Suspended in dusk, touch of Halloween

Oh, rocking mist come aria in green

A thousand candles, a thousand windows

Green dreams come swaying and the green light glows

Lyrical flickering reflects to fly

Softly ... a tall, winged shadow passes by

(c) Kay Irvin

A Special Thanks to our friend Petra for posting this on her FB

Kat Bjelland Babes in Toyland featuring Peter Steele