"I don't base my life upon fear about what might happen tomorrow. I live for the day. I seize the day." - Jerry Springer 1995

"Ultimately, I would like to have sex with someone I love, but that doesn't always have to be the case." - Headbanger's Ball, 1995

"My goal is isolation. I really don't like people too much." - MTV, 1996

On the wine he liked to drink onstage: "Something red and dry. It doesn't really matter what brand or where it's from, so long as it's tasty ... gets me a little buzzed and makes me forget how many people I'm attempting to entertain." - Waldrock interview, 1996

"Reverb drowns out all the errors. What people think is Goth and genius and depth is just layers of mistakes." - Interview, 1996

"I don't try to look mean. I think that comes naturally." - Interview in Denmark, 1997

"Success is defined by two things: One is how many people hate you. The second is if you had sex with Madonna. I'm only halfway there, but a lot of people hate me." - Interview, 1997

"There's a lot of temptation out there on the road, and being human, sometimes I fall into the passions of the flesh." - Interview

"We were trying to get away from that, you know, sexual thing because now we're old, fat, and impotent, so it doesn't really work too well anymore. So now we have to talk about the other things in life, which are drugs, depression and Halloween." - Much Music, 2000

"Every band that I've been in has never been in tune." - Interview, 2003

"If it doesn't upset people, it's not rock music. It has to upset the church, it has to upset your parents, it has to upset the school system." - Der List

"We're known more for being four dicks from Brooklyn than actually being able to, ya know, play instruments, which is great because we've never really learned to play." - Full Metal Jackie, 2007

On drug and alcohol dependency: "I'm no angel, and from time to time I do fall off. Anytime I do, I feel like it's slow suicide." - Toazted, 2007

"People ask me about how I used to fuck around on the road and abusing my body and writing songs like 'Christian Woman.' I turn around and say, 'God loves his lost little lambs the most. Especially those that return to the flock. So flock you.” - Leo Weekly, 2007

"I love Southern girls, ya know, [in a southern accent] "Hi Peter, Hi Peter." Oh my god. Ya know, I mean doesn't your dick get hard with even me sayin' it?" - Interview with Jimmy Duff, 2007

"People ask me, 'Are you a born-again Christian?' and I say, 'No, I am a dead-again Christian." - MK Ultra (via Blabbermouth) 2007

"I was born 23 and a half inches long. My mother said it was like giving birth to a pumpkin." - Metal Hammer, 2008

"I would love to have kids. But it would have to be with a tall woman. I don't want to have to put her on a milk crate to fuck her from behind." - Metal Hammer, 2008

"The older I get and the older my friends get ... it seems like I'm going to a funeral like once every three months. That's why I'm always dressed for it." - Interview, 2008