Peter Steele Wasn't Born With Those Fangs ...

Ok, so it's really common for family and friends to call you for recommendations of dentists and doctors. Everyone experiences this. But when sister Pat's family dentist Dr. Wasserman called one day to talk about his appointment with Pat's brother, she couldn't believe her ears.

Pete called his sister one day and told her he had a need for a dentist. He told her he had a problem with two of his teeth and needed to see a dentist about this - but he didn't know any dentist who could help him with this problem. So Pat gave him her long-time local dentist Dr. Wasserman's phone number because he was close to our home and located near Avenue M in Brooklyn. Pete didn't exactly disclose the "tooth problem" he was having, and Pat didn't ask.

But then about a month later, Dr. Wasserman called Pat very perplexed. He thanked Pat for her recommendation to her brother Pete, but he worried about Pete. Dr. Wasserman said he didn't understand the new world of rock and roll, but he understood that Peter wanted to do something to his teeth that the doc didn't understand why.

Now, Pat just assumed that when Pete said he had a tooth problem, he was talking a cavity (though up till his 20s he had never had a cavity). What she didn't realize was Dr. Wasserman's call was more about fear of what Pete's mother or sister would do to him if he carried out Peter's request for FANGS to be implanted into his mouth.

But, ultimately, not only did Dr. Wasserman end up creating fangs for Peter, he was thanked on a future album, which he proudly displayed in his office, until he retired.

As for Peter's new fangled fangs, well, it was a shock when he first showed them to us. Actually, we were eating together, and when he smiled, I saw the fangs and I reach out and touched one and let out a scream. . He smiled wildly, did his nervous laugh and growled. Then thrashed his teeth and said," For better to eat you my dear" (referencing grandma and the big bad wolf). I wasn't there when he showed his mother, but I can only imagine the look on her face that he would do something so permanent to his teeth.

For years, Dr. Wasserman referred to Pete and the family as the vampires because in his mature mind, he couldn't understand why anyone would want fangs. To Wasserman's dental credit, he had to be convinced to create the fangs. Peter told him he had spoken to several other dentists and he couldn't find anyone who would do it.