Peter's Inner Circle

It's no secret that when bands form, it's usually made of a group of friends who liked each other, enjoyed jamming and decide to do something with their extraordinary connections. In most cases, early on in a band's life, it's friends who are the basic members.

In Northern Lights, Hot Ice, Fallout, Pete's bandmates were his closest friends. It was the guys who he ate with, played ball with, picked up girls with, hung out with, etc. In early Carnivore, Pete's first guitarist was Stan Pillis, a HS friend who Pete had shared a class with. Later, TON was comprised of a combination of his closest friend, and then friends of friends, which eventually led to a long-term partnership that we know as The TON years.

If you look at the later incarnations of Carnivore, Pete hired his friends to do the tours with him. When he had a new project or an idea, he looked to bring people into the mix with him --  in many cases to help them with a new career aspirations --  or just because he knew they needed the money. Then, he would do his best to align those friends with other business associates so that they could make their own connections in his world, which he was happy to help pave the way for these important introductions.

It's no wonder that roadies of his early bands where the bandmates' friends ... many of whom Pete kept with him through all the other bands.

It was no different for me. After jail and through the sobriety era, when Pete had an idea for a new project or an aspiration of something bigger, he reached out to those closest. For several years we discussed a couple of project ideas - with me giving him my advice from my side of the publicity world - to him sharing his music world knowledge and us discussing the possibilities of collaborating. When he wanted a personal assistant, he came to me first and I tried to hook him up with some ideas (then he hired his other neice Marie). When I was laid off after 9/11, he wanted to hook me up with some band managers he knew to help me get a job in his world. And when a variety of his friends wanted to publish books, he sent them along to me for advice ...

I was lucky to meet Jenn Rose, a talented writer and photographer who has been a friend for many years because of Peter making the connection for me.  I love her Gothic photography, which I hope to be able to show sometime soon on this site. She is just one of the caring, creative inner circle people I've gotten a chance to meet and befriend.