I'm The Old Man That Scares All The Kids

* Photo taken outside Pete's home on East 18th Street *

Last Halloween, sister Cathy wrote this poem & posted it outside her house (along with a bowl of candy) as a reminder of what Pete & the holiday meant for the family. Enjoy:


All you children,
You’ve been told before,
Take one bite,
One only, not more.

The wolf man is,
Behind that door,
Now don’t take two,
Because he’ll roar!

He’ll wait for you,
To turn your back,
And chase you down,
For a snack.

Yes, yes my dear
You! Are not coming back!

So kiss your parents,
Now say goodbye,
And wipe that fear,
From your eye.

For now you are
His meal tonight,
I warned you child,
To take one bite.

Now don’t be scared
Behold that door,
It closed behind you,
Told you children…take one, not more.

Written for Peter "Steele" Thomas Ratajczyk
1st Halloween without Peter
By Cathy on 10.31.10
Tricks or Treats Note When Not Home