With A Little Help From Our Friends

Sister Pat has this painting in her hallway. Please tell me who the artist is so I can credit her/him.
Peter valued the artwork that people did for him. Even if he made fun of it when he saw you - he brought the artwork home to his mother and father because they would appreciate seeing how the fans were connected with him. Now, through Peter, the family is connected to you. Thank you. You all are amazing. 

I thought this was an interesting piece from "HyperLaceAlchemists" because Nettie and Pete Sr. would have loved the water theme. Nettie would draw and paint mermaids all the time. Pete Sr. was a swimmer and was drawn to the water. Thank you for this beautiful talent.

I love the way this blog has become a place to share information. Isa from Germany (I wish you lived in NYC - we'd get into tons of trouble) ... Mare from U.S.(you are so caring to us) ... The "Tree Girls" ... Ink for Blood with video suggestions ... so many others ... keep those suggestions coming ...

We'd like to take your suggestion of adding a location on the blog for fans to upload their artwork and pictures. I have to figure out which widget does that ... Any ideas?  Come on Techies - Comment here ... Thanks

I have to thank Annie Riordan from California for two beautiful gifts she sent the family - amazing artwork - you are so talented ... thanks for taking the time to ship to us. wow. I hope to photograph them and post to this blog.

Ink for Blood was gracious enough to share this video in the comment section. It's a clear video of World Coming Down. Enjoy ... we certainly did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN_BlF9Vtvw