We're Off-Road Kind of People

If you've had the pleasure of seeing Pete drive his car on Brooklyn's streets, I'm sure you heard the heart-stopping Mack Truck horn -- quite possibly you were one of those sorry ass pedestrians who had to jump out of the way when Pete decided to make a side road to the main road -- or, maybe you were a passenger?

I like the way Pete is casually lounging on the Cross behind the guys.

While Peter shared lots of things with us, he didn't take us for joy rides in his tank. If we were lucky enough to get asked to an event with him, or to go to Duff's, then we got an opportunity to ride in the passenger seat. The car was set aside for expressing himself and  impressing people -- not for his little neices to be seen with him in his chick magnet car.

The last time I rode in the car with Pete, I felt the seat belt wasn't enough to hold me in. I used my feet to brace myself for the hair pin stops and my arms held tightly to any possible part of the seat, while Peter zipped in and out of traffic lanes laughing wildly when I screamed and saw my life pass before me. But the looks we got. Trucks honked, cars tried to ride besides us to get a glimpse inside, girls hung out their windows to flirt openly with Peter in the front. When Pete hit a red light, he kept on moving ... gliding onto the sidewalk to get around cars in the lane infront of him. It put a whole new meaning to the whole "off road" experience alright.

But pulling up to Duffs was like being a guest on the red carpet. There was always a crowd hanging outside. When Peter drove up, people knew exactly who he was. They parted and let him walk though, shaking hands and allowing kisses (from women) as he strode through.

While Pete gave me some car rides I won't soon forget, it's a family thing. Pete's sister Cathy used to take the neices to an area in Starret City Brooklyn that had a HUGE hill and dip in the road in the middle of nowhere - no side streets so we didn't have to worry about cars getting in the way.  We'd pile in the car with her and she'd speed down the street, up the hill and try to make the car jump over the Huge dip in the road. Sometimes we'd made it, but more often the car would smash down and we'd all be screaming and begging her to "Do It Again Aunt Cathy."  It always reminded me of Dukes of Hazzard driving.

When Pete's sister Pam came into town, she drove a VW Beetle. It was the perfect car to drive down small paths where regular cars couldn't get to. Peter, Nancy, Marie and I would pile into Pam's car and go for a drive to the car wash first and then to Prospect Park. She'd take the car onto the horse paths which led to the pedestrian path and before you know it we'd be driving down staircases and going around the lake. We are very "off road" kind of people, I guess.

Ahh the memories.
