How Can I Feel Loss For Someone I Never Met?

Thank You to Tricia Diaz
 for putting into words the loss she feels for Peter ...
Even though she never met him ...
even though no one understands how she feels.

This sketch is by "Face In The Sky"

Peter's voice moves me. Still, to this very day, I hear his voice and it hits me in this spot, that brings back all these feelings, experiences. Not painful at all, but refreshing and mysterious, a snippet of where I came from. Almost like a recharge of my batteries.

I hear his voice, and if I close my eyes, I feel like I can breathe it in, like his rumbling voice is right in the middle of my lungs, stomach, heart. Like he is there, still there, somewhere.

Sometimes I feel so sad, thinking about how such a great talent, and beautiful voice, is gone. But I didnt know him... I never saw them live, had never been to a show in the past, but the thought of the missed opportunities hurts. I feel like I shouldn't feel such a loss, I am not his family, friend, I have never known him outside of the music I heard, the articles I read. But I do feel the loss, like I had lost one of my own.
I really wish I could have seen Peter sing once, live. So I could feel his voice in my lungs, stomach and heart again, and just bask in that energy.

.... I am sure it seems really strange, I just feel like I need to share with someone how I miss Peter. I feel telling the people in my life – they wouldn't understand my grief for someone I didn't even know.

Thank you for letting me share.