So You Want To Contact Us

Ok. first off, thanks to all the techies out there ... I really appreciated the help you gave me.

Since Saturday posts seem to be all about the music and photography, I think we should also include Fan Artwork, Video Dedications, Poetry, Peter Dolls, etc that you'd like to share with the family and the faithful readers of this blog. I thought it could be a gift we give to each other.

Please email me at 4theloveofpetesteele  at   g  mail.   Send me your artwork and I'll include it in this blog (if it's not too lame or graphic). Plus, tell me how you'd like to be credited.

Also, if you have any amazing stories you'd like to share (with photos), we may be open to adding this component  to the blog. We'll see what kind of responses we get from you all.

Another Nice Memorial Video To Share: Turn that music  UP