I Am The Reaper ... The Prophet of Doom

We thought we'd share a good article by Marc Voger of the Star Ledger (NJ) who wrote about an interview he had with Peter, whom he compared with comedian great George Carlin.
Peter with Marilu. Notice how Pete is ALMOST smiling !
Some of our NJ friends  may have already read this article, but for the masses, I think you will understand how writer Marc really "got" Peter.
Thank you to Marc Voger and the Star Ledger for this great interview with Pete.

To say that Peter Steele, the frontman for goth-rockers Type O Negative, was death-obsessed is putting it mildly. This was the guy who wrote "Everything Dies" and "Everyone I Love is Dead." ... So maybe I was expecting to speak with a morose soul when I got Steele on the phone in 2007, to talk about Type O's then-new album titled - wait for it - "Dead Again." But there was a pleasant surprise in store. Steele had me in stitches throughout the interview. (In fact, I laughed harder and more often during the Steele Q&A than I had with any other interview subject, and that includes George Carlin, Don Rickles, Pat Cooper, Bob Newhart, Tommy Chong, Lily Tomlin, Eric Idle, Joan Rivers, Charlie Callas, Tim Conway and Howard Stern.)

To remember Steele, here are some excerpts from that interview that is, those that can be shared in polite company.

On what Steele aimed to accomplish with "Dead Again":
"To alleviate poverty, primarily. I just played 'Sgt. Pepper' backwards at double-speed and stole all the riffs. ... If you play the album backwards, it actually says, 'I buried Pete,' not Paul."

On whether there was a "Normal Peter" and "Stage Peter":
"When I go onstage, I do have to access that part of my personality. But it's really funny, like, going foodshopping and being recognized by fans. And of course, I’m taking toilet paper off the rack when they come over. I’m like, 'I’m sorry. I (defecate), too.' I love to see people’s reactions. We’re just 'humanzees.' When people see something different, they’re stunned. You know, like a stunned George Bush staring with his mouth open? And then people will laugh at things that are different. You know why you’re laughing? Because I’m a threat to you. That’s why you’re laughing. Because every time you laugh, you kick the reaper in the (scrotum). So keep laughing. Because I am the reaper. I am the prophet of doom."

To read the entire article, go to: