The Secret Attic Stash

What we've tried to show you in this blog is the many sides of Peter Steele. The jokester ... the musician ... the friend ... the songwriter ... the son ... the school boy ... the brother ... the genius ... the different parts of every great man.

Originally posted by Louie Montalvo

When we say Peter had a great personality, it's because he had a good foundation and good genes. It's true. But I have to mention Peter admired and loved his Uncle Louie, who was married to Aunt Dee, and lived only a few blocks from his house.

Louie was the jokester of Pete's mother's generation. He had a secret stash of gags and costumes up in his attic that was off-limits to everyone else in the family -- except Peter and Louie's own daughter Katie. Whenever Peter would go to Louie's and Dee's house, his uncle would show him all new tricks and jokes, crazy hats, tell him funny stories and just act goofy.

In fact, when Nettie and Pete Sr. were young adults -- before TV was popular -- their generation got together on Friday and Saturday nite and created their own entertainment. We have home movies of Pete's uncles George and Louie dressed as women, while all the aunts and others are creating skits, singing, dancing and acting like clowns for the camera.

Whenever we see videos of Peter hamming it up for the camera or being the jokester with an interviewer, visions of Uncle Louie come back to us. We know that during those visits to the secret attic stash, Louie was teaching Pete some great material. 

We all have had an "Uncle Louie" or an "Aunt Dee" in our lives ... It's good to remember them every once in a while. Keeps the spirit alive. And if YOU ARE the crazy aunt or uncle, don't forget to share the fun with the kids. We will remember you for it. We might even write a blog about you.