Peter Gave More Than Half The Kingdom

This post is written by the last girlfriend that Peter introduced us to before he died -- Lisa. We credit Lisa as being the lady who helped Peter get to sobriety. We know that if Lisa had been still dating Pete while he was ill days before his death, that Peter would still be alive. We know this because she loved and cared for him -- in every sense. And while it still haunts us ALL about the "what ifs"  ... some things we will just never understand. We may never discover the whole truth about what happened the day he died.

This memorial post is by Lisa: 

I spent a lot of time getting to know Peter.  He was always so interesting because you never knew what to expect. I have to say I was never bored!  My favorite thing about him was probably his generous nature. 

When I was a little girl growing up and attending private school I had a teacher who taught us to watch the men we befriend.  See what they do with the last square of chocolate if you are sharing a candy bar.  The teacher taught us that the good man is the one who will give you the last piece.  Peter was that good man.  I am not sure I am even that good.   Especially not with chocolate.

There is a story about Queen Esther that is read during the holiday of Purim.  When the King falls in love with Esther he promises her “up to half of the kingdom”.  This has traditionally been a sign of true love.   Peter would not only promise but give so much more –of himself and of what he had.  He was so generous with his kindness. 

He would try to offer hope to any young band he met.  He would offer them encouragement and tell them how good they sounded. He would go out of his way to help elderly people.  He was a good neighbor and bragged about being the “Shabbos Goy” for the synagogue on his block.  He was always happy when they came to ask him to help out.  He was very proud of the work he did in the Parks Department and the people he helped like the man who dropped his car keys down a grate and Peter figured out how to get them back. 

He would always try to pick out great gifts from new inventions to things he saw on TV.  My favorite was when he decided he wanted to buy me a Rolex and he went to Walmart and inquired about it.  Just the thought that someone would want to buy me a Rolex was enough of a gift and that he thought Walmart carried everything was just so funny. 

He was a very special person, so generous and so funny,  and he is missed.

Shirt Peter Made To Wear In His Neighborhood
(Given to his sister Pat)