Peter As A Waxed Dummy? He Would Have LOVED That

You guys totally crack me up. Every time I read your comments about how to remember Peter, I'm actually imagining what Peter would say in my head.

I could go for an authorized estate biography, or even some phone apps. I thought it was great that you wanted to create "The Museum of Steele." But then, someone said Wax Figure of Pete and THATS when I could hear Pete's voice in my head telling me all the bad things he would be doing to and with that wax figure if he was alive. Nettie would be decorating the wax figure with outfits and hats. Peter on the other hand would have set fire to it or put it in places that would scare the heck out of an unsuspecting person. Yeah, I could see him getting miles of laughs from a wax figure of himself !
While going through my photos of Summer memories, here are some photos I'd like to share:

When we were off for Summer, most of the neices hung out at Nettie's house while our parents worked. Nettie kept us on a schedule of going into the pool, waiting for the ice cream man, opening the pump so we can go into  the sprinkler, or going to the movies. In the afternoon, Peter had a few faorites to watch on TV before his father got home from work. We'd watch Green Acres and everyone had to sing the song. We'd sometimes watch Lost In Space, and Batman. But an evening favorite of Nettie's and her son, was Laverne & Shirley show. I think Nettie liked it because the lead characters reminded her of the people she knew growing up in Red Hook - working class people - but Peter loved to watch Lenny & Sqiggy because they were complete idiots and their comedic timing was perfect. Peter could imitate anything that Sqiggy said and would use Sqiggy-isms to greet us or just talk like Sqiggy all day, even through dinner, till no one could stand it anymore.  Here is an episode I'm sure Pete would enjoy:

Peter jamming with his cousins - L to R - Peter on guitar and Roger on drums. Backyard of sister Nan's house in Staten Island.