The Family Historian Has Big Closets

Since we are on a nostalgic bend this week, writing about Carnivore got me, Pete's neice Marie and Pete's sister Pat talking about the early bands -- Hot Ice & Northern Lights. I remember when we got our first t-shirts from Peter. He came into the livingroom with a big box in his arms. Inside were shirts in all our sizes and he handed them out telling us this free shirt required our appearance at their next gig.

Since Pat is the self-proclaimed "family historian," she's the one who keeps the family tree intact, keeps track of lost relatives, and apparently has a huge closet filled with personal items like this shirt:

Pete's sister Pat still has this original t-shirt in her collection of Peter goodies
(I'm laughing while I'm typing this because the iron-on letters are so telling of the era)

This Hot Ice Tshirt seems to be missing a patch or something on the left side of the shirt. Each band member wore the shirt, with the back of the shirt detailing which instrument that person played. So, you can imagine that the back of this shirt had the word "bass" on it. (This design is so mundane, I can't believe Peter had anything to do with it.) It's before he started painting on his jackets and clothing ... It looks like something a little kid would do ...

Pete would wear this shirt often - even when he was older and working around the house, he had it on.

As you can tell the shirts were starting to get better, more creative.

It was sometime between Northern Lights and Fallout that Pete's creativity came out. He started painting jackets, vests, backdrops for shows. He began to dabble in lettering and fonts. Here is a vest that Pete gave to Pat years ago. Pete would wear this vest when he was out with his friends and playing at shows.

While I don't have footage from Peter's early career (too bad right !), here is a memorial video I just saw. Must be recent because the pic I use on this blog is included in the video: