Don't Worry, An Incubis Is A Nice Demon

I don't know whether I pointed this out, but even though Peter was my uncle, he was only 6 years older than me, 10 years older than my sister, Marie. So, it made sense that he was asked to do "Uncle" duty and babysit for us every once in a while.

Of course, I don't have to tell you, we were allowed to do whatever we wanted - blast the music, stay up later than usual, eat pizza at midnight, and all the things young girls like to get a chance to do when their mother isn't around. Heck we spent at least an hour learning how to capture our farts in our hands so we can learn to "blow it " at people (a true talent invented and taught by our uncle).

One time, Pete came over to mind us when I was about 10 and my sister was about 6 (making him about 16 yo). He made popcorn on the top of the stove, poured a ridiculous amount of butter on it, gave us each a big glass of soda, and put on a scary movie called INCUBUS.

Now, we are watching this movie, which I later learned was about a male demon that has sex with a woman. And, the film gets to the part where the demon is for lack of a better term, raping the woman while she is in bed. So, Peter starts looking a little nervous. He asks us if we are tired. He attempts to turn off the tv, trying to avoid this uncomfortable scene in the film.

And I ask him, "What is wrong with the woman in the movie? Why does she jump around like that in the bed?"

And, he turns bright red and says to me, "The incubus thinks the woman is so pretty he wants to hug her."

So, of course, that doesn't do it for me. So I ask him, "But I thought demons are bad and do bad things to people. Why does the incubus want to hug her."

So he jumps up and turns off the tv and says to me, "This incubus started out to be mean, but then he turned into a nice demon."  Then he goes over to the bookshelf and says, "come on, let's play with the Ouija Board instead and conjure up spirits."

Years later when I was old enough to understand how inappropriate the movie was for us to watch, I used to nudge him about the "incubus being a nice demon." Because Peter was modest and embarrassed, he couldn't bring himself to be the one to have to explain the deviant behavior of a demon to his two young cousins.