5 Rock Legends That Yield Biggest Laughs

Fan-Sculpted Pete Action Figure  ~ Created by "Hatred In Black" 

I guess I don't have to convince you all that Peter was a funny guy, but I thought I'd share with you this little tidbit:

Don Jamieson (of That Metal Show) has interviewed some the most legendary names in hard rock and metal. He notes in his new record, Live and Hilarious, that Pete is one of the funniest rock legend he's ever had the pleasure of interviewing. Here's what he says about 5 noted stars:

Pete Steele“R.I.P. you funny bastard! The most self-deprecating guy ever onstage. The Richard Lewis of metal! After playing a Sabbath cover, he remarked to crowd, ‘Now that we butchered Black Sabbath, we’d like to butcher one of our own songs!’”

Ozzy Osbourne
“In every interview he does, Ozzy has a million one-liners. He’s like the Rodney Dangerfield of metal! Favorite Ozzy quote: ‘I got rabies shots for biting the head off a bat, but that’s OK. The bat had to get Ozzy shots!’”

Alice Cooper
“An amazing storyteller with a killer punch line for every crazy tale. The Bill Cosby of metal! Elvis once put a loaded .38 in Alice’s hand so he could demonstrate how to take a gun from someone. Alice’s first thought: Shoot him!”

“That dry, deadpan wit is almost as powerful a weapon as his bass and throat. The Steven Wright of metal! Fave Lemmy quote: ‘That was a great time, the summer of ’71. I don’t remember it but I’ll never forget it!’”

Johan Hegg
“Yes, Vikings can be funny. Especially early on when his English wasn’t as good. (Insert name of famous Swedish comedian here) of metal! An interviewer once remarked that there were more and more females showing up at Amon Amarth gigs. Johan replied, ‘Yes, we are beautiful!’”

To Watch an episode of That Metal Show, you may want to see how these three hosts talk about what bands should have been more popular. If you watch from 4:30 - 10:00 it's an interesting notation. Me, well, I'm biased, I do believe TON was huge. But, it would have been great if they were played more on the radio.  http://www.vh1.com/video/that-metal-show/full-episodes/sebastian-bach-anvil/1663091/playlist.jhtml?xrs=share_fb  Then again, radio sucks for showcasing really interesting bands.

An appropriate audio to insert here would be "Jack Daniels & Pizza" but I couldn't find an audible copy of it on YouTube. Anyone have a link to share?