TON Covered Britney? Say It Isn't So ...

From Carrie Schwarz ~CreepyGreenGirl13
Much love, adoration, and respect
Thank you so much to the Ratajczyk family for sharing all your memories of Peter, and for taking the time to listen to us fans. You are so wonderful to us, and we are forever grateful!

It was at a Horror Convention in New Jersey back in August of 1998. I bought a ticket for a meet and greet with Peter, which included a black and white photo for him to sign. I waited nervously in line for which seemed like an eternity. Next thing I know, Peter is gone and the people who were still in line were dispersing. There was a security guard nearby so I asked him if Peter was coming back (thinking maybe he was taking a break). The security guard replied that he didn’t think so and that he thought Peter was leaving. I told the security guard that I had paid for a meet and greet and wondered if I could get my money back. He says hang on a minute and walks away & goes behind a gate and curtains.

I'm thinking ok, he is going to ask someone if I can get a refund? He comes back out and says, come with me. I'm thinking wow, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, its not a huge deal if I don’t get a refund. Next thing I know there stands Peter... I was in AWE. I remember we exchanged Hello's and hugs. I felt bad and didn’t want to take up his time. I had taken my October Rust cd for him to sign, but I didn’t ask him to sign it or the photo I had bought because I didn’t want to be a pain in the ass!

But I quickly told him what a musical genius he was, and what a masterpiece October Rust was and how much the band and the music meant to me. When I was telling him this, I remember feeling like he was really listening to me. He was so humble and sweet and thanked me. What I said to him seemed to mean a lot to him. I will never forget this day as long as I live.

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This gorgeous artwork was done by ANGELA



Thank you Angela for allowing us to share your work with the world

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 Ha ha ... someone is claiming this is TON.
Personally, I can't imagine Peter would do anything this boring .... Thoughts?