Don't Eat The Tomato Sauce ... Peter in the Kitchen

Ok, we have to fess up. While Peter liked to eat good food, he wasn't exactly the best cook. Or, maybe we should say, when Peter cooked, we would draw straws to see who was going to taste it first. Usually, we could coax the younger kids to try it first because they didn't know any better, but after a while we ran out of guinea pigs.

Pete joking around in his kitchen on East 18th Street

Pete's Famous Bizarre Tomato Sauce

1 can crushed tomatoes
1 large can tomato sauce
3 small cans tomato paste
Water - use the empty cans of paste fill 3 times
5 large garlic cloves
1 T of Cinnamon
1 t of Nutmeg
1/2 cup of sugar
Lots of Pepper
Sprinkling of Salt
And a dash of anything green he could find in the cabinet

Mix together. Cook for 1 hour and serve with spaghetti and meatballs.

Now, I think you see in the recipe that he put Cinnamon and Nutmeg in the sauce. He LOVED this. Everyone else would gag. He would bring his "Special Pot of Sauce" to family functions where he would eat a huge helping of it. To be nice, we'd all put a meatball and sauce on our plates and kid him about "what special and unusual ingredients were in the sauce."

He would say "I made it the way I like it" and we'd giggle behind his back. Pete's sister, Nancy would push the tomato sauce on unsuspecting guests - figuring inlaws and friends of the family who were invited wouldn't utter how awful the sauce was -- they'd either eat it or quietly throw it away hoping that no one would notice. Then after Nancy got rid of the sauce, she'd announce to Peter, "Wow, it's all gone. Too bad I didn't get a chance to eat it." Then she'd grimace and make a kissing gesture up to God.

Wolf Moon Video 2007