Peter Steele Influenced Other Bands

I remember the first show Peter did at Zappa's in Brooklyn. I was too young to go (I must have been around 8 or 10 yo), but I sat on the stoop and watched the band and their friends load up a van and their cars with equiptment. After they drove off, I went back inside to whine to Nettie about not being able to go. I sat with Pete Sr., he put his arm around me and I told him about how I'd be happy to carry in an amp or something but nobody would let me help.

Then Peter called and said he forgot his boots. He asked if someone could drive them to him. Pete Sr. picked up the boots and motioned for me to go with him in the car over to Zappa's. When we got there, a crowd of long-haired, cigarette-smoking barbarians were hanging out in front. Pete's dad  handed me the boots and I ran inside the back door, past this big guy who was guarding it, into where Pete and his friends were dressing for the show. I ran up to Peter with the boots and he smiled broadly, gave me a kiss and thanked me for bringing them in to him. When I just stood there, he said to me, "Wanna see the stage?"  I smiled and he took my hand, brought me over to the curtains where the stage was and I took a step onto the stage. I was so excited. I peeked through the curtains and saw my cousin Nancy in the audience with their friends. I waved at them, but no one really saw me. I knew I couldn't stay, so I kissed Peter and told the guys to have fun. And I ran to the car.

I couldn't wait to tell my friends the next day that I got to go to a club and stand on the stage before Peter performed. It was a great day for me, Peter's little neice.

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Biohazard, a band I saw quite often in my younger days with Peter, and who remained good friends with Pete for most of his career, just announced they are dedicating their next cd to him. Check out the link and the video that talks about Peter's influence on the band.