It Was In His Blood

Pete playing Guitar in sister Nan's kitchen in West Islip, Long Island
As you can see from many photos and stories, all the time growing up, Peter, his sisters, his parents, aunts, uncles and friends spent time together enjoying each other's talents. There wasn't a gathering without the piano playing or a guitar session.

Many of you have told stories about being in a musical family too. Keep it going. Share your talents with your siblings. Sing, Dance, Clap. Enjoy.

Written by Peter's sister Pat:
My Dad’s brother, Uncle Joey, and his father played accordion. These Polish immigrants loved to party, dance, eat & play music. 

My Mom’s brother Lou played every instrument you handed him, and was a magnificent jokester (just like Peter).  Her sister Tory sang opera, her brother Tommy taught Mom all the newest steps and songs he learned at the Cotton Club, Aunt Helen played piano, Aunts Patty & Pinky played guitar.  All Nettie & Pete’s kids either played instruments or sang. 
Can you imagine being a young boy, sitting in his high-chair, being immersed in culture, art, song, and love. It's little wonder that Peter grew up loving culture, laughter, art and song. He had no choice ... it was a part of his everyday living.
Good Video from Penn 1999 (thanks Louie Montalvo for posting)