The Fighting Won't Stop ... Till We're All Dead

This photo is from a rock club in Brooklyn called L'Amour, in 1986 with the original members of Carnivore.

We spent many Friday and Saturday nites at this club with Peter -- whether we were seeing his band play or bands that he liked and supported.

Check out the details on the double base drums that Louie played. I tried to enlarge this photo so you can see Peter on stage. Enjoy ...

While I don't actually agree with the "archie bunker" reference below about Carnivore's political statements - you have to remember that this is when Peter's sense of humor was developing in his music.

Race War was a song about how historically different nations have fought about the same things. And if it doesn't end, we all lose. Remember how Peter says in the song:  "This is the United States of America and you have the right to hate who  you want. So let's start busting heads."  It's a song that's supposed to make you think about how ridiculous hate is. What it does to people, countries, the world. 

However, I must add, this song became an anthem for Hard Core lovers -- the mosh pit would explode when this song was played.

Peter was fiercely protective of and proud to be an American. He was outraged about 9/11. His father and uncles fought in wars and he was very sensitive to the devotion that American soldiers give to our country. Whenever he was on tour and a serviceman wanted to take a picture with him, he thanked THEM for their service to keep our country safe. He honored them. He asked them what it was like to fight for a war on enemy soil and then come back here. He wanted to know, learn, feel their stories.

Here is an excerpt from TG Daily that I saw and had to share with you all:

In fact, this is what a friend of mine always loved about Carnivore's "Retaliation," was that it was "anti-everything." Try to imagine Archie Bunker forming a hardcore band and you'll get the picture.

After Carnivore broke up, their leader, Peter Steele, who wrote all the music and lyrics, formed Type O Negative, and you could hear it picked up where Carnivore took off, but Steele also added in a lot more innovative elements like keyboards. 

They stood out like a sore thumb opening for bands like The Exploited and Motley Crue, because there was nothing like Type O at the time, where there are innumerable extreme metal bands use keyboards today.