My mother-in-law Joan reminded me about a memory she had of a Fourth of July party where cousins from Scotland (Peter, Pauline and their kids)  were in town and Peter happened to be home from the road. Nettie was alive, though she was slight, frail, with senility setting in ... she was quietly sitting in her chair nodding her head but not really paying attention.

Since cousin Peter of Scotland is a professional classical guitarist, he and Pete decided to jam a little in the backyard of sister Nancy and brother-in-law Roberts, home on Staten Island, playing songs that everyone could sing along to, while each displayed their musical talents. Cathy had her tamborine and jammed along with them, as the other sisters and family sang harmony. Pete had a mic and in between songs, would make jokes, banter with the family while playing everything from Beatle songs to his mom's and older generation's favorites.

We positioned Nettie in front of him, so that she could see her son and be able to stay involved in the activities. At one point, she was looking up at him, adoring him from her seat, clapping when appropriate. At some point during the session, she took a little snooze. Peter took notice of how peaceful she looked, stood in front of her and in his best spooky voice into the mic he said ... "Annette ... Annette ... This is Jesus Christ Annette ... Welcome ...Welcome to Heaven Annette" It was sad because she practically jumped out of her seat. She smiled when she saw him looking down on her, knowing that once again she was the butt end of Pete's joke.

After the performance, we all ganged up on him and threw him in the pool. It took 5 of us girls (his neices) to drag him in. He of course, held onto us tightly and when he couldn't stand it anymore, dragged us into the pool with him.