Interesting Usage for Post It Notes

I remember when Peter told a couple of us, confidentially, that he was going to pose for Playgirl. He told some of his younger sisters first, then, the closer cousins, and before you knew it, everyone heard the rumor. When he told me about the photo session, he was making a joke about how women are going to cancel their subscriptions after he poses.

WELL ... July of 1995, Pete's sister Cathy came over the house with advanced copies of the August Playgirl issue. Nettie was home and Peter was downstairs. We all gathered around -- yes, we kept nothing from each other -- and Cathy excitedly told her mother that she brought a copy for her to see. When Nettie looked at the cover, she looked up at Cathy and asked, what kind of photos are in here? And Cathy said, "Don't worry Momma, I put post-it notes on the parts that you shouldn't see. But, just to let you know, he's not your little boy anymore."

Just then, Peter came upstairs and flipped out that his mother was going to look at the Playgirl. But Cathy assured him that she used the Post Its in strategic places so that his mother would be able to see the artistic design of the photos, but not have the shock value associated with the photos.

Each page had 1 or 2 Post Its covering Peter's privates ... but in one photo, to Pete's credit, she needed to use 3 Post Its.

I looked at the centerpage with the 3 Post Its and said to Pete, "WOW, now I understand Pete why girls follow you home from the road and show up on your door step." Pete grinned and walked into the livingroom while his mom flipped through the other photos. He wouldn't even sit in the same room with us.

After Nettie closed the magazine, she walked over to him and  told Peter how handsome he looked, how artistic the photos were, how she was positive he was going to have more dates. That's when Peter laughed and said, "I really wish all you ladies would have told me that Playgirl is read mostly by gay men. Now I'm gonna have new fans that I never intended on attracting." And the funny thing is Pete's Playgirl photo shoot was highly rated among gay readers as one of their all time favorites.

In this case, Pete thought the spread would garner him more fans for the band ... Oh, it did ... and the joke was on him.