Be Careful Where You Snooze

I think you understand that Pete's grown man persona wasn't far from his childhood- boy personality. He loved to scare us, push us into the pool with our clothes on, put his foot out and trip us when we walked by, make noises with his voice that would make us scream ... no matter how old he was ...

Well, adults weren't immune to his antics either and I have to say, for this next story, it's a good thing Pete's cousin Steve had a partner who was a slow shooter, or Pete would have learned a lesson the hard way.

Pete's first cousin was a highway patrol cop. And, as hard working men sometimes do, they'd take a little lunchtime nap in their patrol car, on the side of the highway, where they thought no one would see. Pete just happened to be driving by and saw his cousin napping in the patrol car. Pete beeped his horn, but he got no reaction. So, he drove back around, parked the tank and snuck up to the patrol car. Nothing. They didn't even hear him. So, like a large cat he jumped on the hood of the car in an "attack cat stance" and both policeman jumped up scared out of their wits. Steve's parter threw the door open and reached for his gun, when Steve realized who the hell this nut was who was standing on their hood.

Thankfully Steve recognized his cousin and reached out to shake Pete's hand as he jumped off the car hood. It's a good thing the cop partner had a sense of humor and a slow trigger hand. When Pete told this story later on, he would do the animation associated with the stalking, while we all laughed, because, Pete was like that ... he could scare the hell out of you when you least expected.