Back At Ya ... Peter Steele's Fans Totally Rock !

While I'm trying to navigate this blogging world, I thought I'd reach back out to Peter Steele's fans and ask you a question ...What do you want to read and see more of ?

You know we value your creativity, you thoughtful words, your dedication to us and Peter. For us, this blog was set up to be a POSITIVE force ... let's try to keep it in that vein.

As you know, Pete didn't have much love for reporters and often felt that they misquoted him and the bandmembers -- in life and now in death -- so sometimes he'd just make things up when being interviewed. So there is lots of stories and interviews that are just not real -- and in some cases, these rumors/half-truths have taken on a life of their own. LOL

In addition to the great funny stories we'd like to continue to share with you, I hope you will allow us to write about the struggles in Peter's life. From time to time, we may write about how in the lowest points in Peter's life (and really anyone's life), that it's your caring friends and your closest family that helps bring you to that better place. This is where I need to thank his last caring girlfriend LISA for being part of his recovery story. Even in those low times, all the crying, pleading, threatening that a family does to help bring you back to a better place, away from the people who try to leech off of you, is sometimes the hardest part. It's the leeches and evil people who want to keep you down ... getting you away from them isn't so easy ... sometimes they refuse to release their claws.

I remember the day that Peter came to me to apologize for making me worry about him. It was a hard day for both of us. He was nearing his sober time. He knew I had seen a Youtube video of him very drunk and very angry with his family, with his life, with his choices. He knew I was upset because through it all ... even his lowest time in his life ... my mom (Patricia) had been constant connection for him. He apologized for his words, his actions, his failings. And he thanked me for my love. He asked me to go into business with him for a project he had in mind. We laughed about some of his ideas and we made fun of some characters he recently met. THIS is the video you don't see on Youtube -- the intimate interactions he had with his family -- This is a video I play over and over in my mind. Something I will never share with the haters and naysayers. 

So, again, dear readers, I thank you for being AUTHENTIC with your reactions to our blog and your love for my UNCLE. And I thank  YOU for allowing me to be REAL with you.

So, I'll do the best I can to give you what you want to see. I'm opening the floor to suggestions.