Hey Pete -- Ever Hear of Paper Plates?

So, alot of people don't know but at one time during Pete's crazy schedule, I was his personnel assistant. Me, the baby niece of the family - Marie. It was during the height of Pete's career. He was recording, touring, doing interviews, and was gone for months. He had been taken advantage by friends, and he didn't know who he could trust, so he asked me to care for his house.

So, while Pete was away, I took care of the apt, fed and cleaned his cats, attended to his personal business, cleaned the house for him, did his banking and called him to let him know of personal messages.So, one time when he left on tour, I went to his house( I lived right down the block) I started to clean and do his laundry. On the table I saw a note. It read, "Mimi, while you are here,  can you do ALL my dirty dishes." 

I said to myself o-k . So, I went to the sink, and there were no dishes. I looked in the dining area - no dishes. I went into his bedroom - no dishes. I thought to myself, "Where are the freakin dishes !"

Usually, when Peter got a moment on tour, he would check in with me. So days later, I asked him, "Pete, you said you had dishes to be washed, but I couldn't find any dishes anywhere in your house. Where are they?"

So, Pete told me to open the back door and I would find his dirty dishes. I said to him cool..no prob. Well we finished our conversation and I hung up the phone. About an hour passes and I said SHIT I forgot the dishes!!
I opened the back door and all that was there was 2 big fifty gallon drum garbage pails.

So, I'm standing there, thinking, "Ohhhhh Kkkkkkk. I still don't see any dishes." So, I open one of the garbage pails and it is filled to the top with DIRTY SMELLY FOOD CAKED dishes ! I open the other pail and it's the same. The smell was horrendous ! I almost passed out.

I called Peter back on the phone and said "Wow..You saved all these dishes for me! You must love me! "  He started laughing like a little boy saying he was sorry, but he ran out of his own clean dishes and had to raid his mom's cabinets for her clean dishes. He also said he poured ammonia and water on the dishes to help the cleaning process a little. But he didn't want to clean the dishes because it was just too many to deal with. 

Hey Pete, you ever hear of PAPER PLATES? 

This is a CLASSIC PETER story. He always had a different way of doing things.

Oh, and BTW, it took me about two weeks to clean and dry all of Peter's dirty dishes. For Christmas I bought him a package of paper plates.