A Death In The Family

Some of you have asked about Peter's love for cats. Actually, it's a love of all animals, but traditionally, his grandmother and mother always had an affection for cats -- he grew up with cats, and as you all know, had several as pets.

One of Pete's first beloved pets was a cat he named, Venus. Peter was very close to his cat, and Venus was always with him, just hanging out, always nearby. As you know from Peter's music, that he writes about the things that affect his life -- and the song, Death In The Family, was written for Venus after her untimely death. 

Very soon after the death of Venus, Peter met a beautiful, interesting lady. When he asked her for her name, she replied, “Venus.  My Mom named me that because you’ll probably never get to meet 2 Venuses in your life”.  (This girl's Mom must have seen "One Touch of Venus" with the brunette beauty, Ava Gardner, since this line was from that movie.) 

Peter always remarked on the irony of having two Venuses in his life.

Listen to this song. Can you tell it was written with his favorite cat in mind?